Virtual DC:0-5™ Clinical Training - May 2024

Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 05/21/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)

  • Registration Closed

This comprehensive training on DC:0-5™ Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood targets clinicians and leaders from fields of mental health, health and early intervention. The trainings are aimed to provide clinicians with hands on knowledge of the application and approach of DC:0-5™. This training provides history and background around the need and development of a specialized diagnostic classification system for infancy and early childhood, approaches in diagnosis from an Infant Mental Health perspective which is developmentally informed, relationship based, contextual and culturally competent. Participants will learn about the multi-axial approach to diagnosis as well understanding the contents of each axis including Axis I clinical disorders. 

Only ZERO TO THREE offers this official DC:0-5™ Training.

Registrants must attend all three sessions and are required to have the DC:0-5 Manual at each session. 

If purchasing the Print Edition during checkout please allow a week to receive your manual if you select standard shipping. 

Attendance verification codes will be given during each session and should be placed in their corresponding verification boxes. You MUST enter these codes to receive credit for attendance

Access to this course and its materials closes 30 Days after the last live session. Please complete all necessary requirements to earn credit before that time. Completed Certificates are available on demand via the Transcripts and Achievements section of your dashboard.

Cancellation/Refund Policy All cancellation/refund requests must be received in writing by email to ZERO TO THREE (ZTT) at least thirty (30) days before the event start date. Refund requests will be processed within 30 days after the request is received. No refunds will be made within 30 days of the event start date. All sales within 30 days of an event are final.   

Transfers Registrations may be transferred to an identical event in the future, or to another person. Transfers to future events must be received by email to ZTT at least 30 days before the original event’s start date. If transferring to another person, the original registrant should submit a transfer notice at least one (1) business day prior to the event start date. It should include the name of the person to whom the registration is being transferred along with the phone number and email of the substitute.

 Send cancellation / refund / transfer related correspondence to

If you would like to purchase CEs, you may do so by clicking on the link below:

Please note: Do NOT check out as a guest. Please make sure to be signed in so that we have the correct contact information for your CEs.

Continuing Education Credits


Learner Agreement
Agree to terms to continue.
Agree to terms to continue.
DC:0-5™ Clinical Training Session 1
05/21/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  240 minutes
05/21/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  240 minutes
Session 1 Attendance Verification Code
Enter code to continue.
Enter code to continue.
DC:0-5™ Clinical Training Session 2
05/22/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  240 minutes
05/22/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  240 minutes
Session 2 Attendance Verification Code
Enter code to continue.
Enter code to continue.
DC:0-5™ Clinical Training Session 3
05/23/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  240 minutes
05/23/2024 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  240 minutes
Session 3 Attendance Verification Code
Enter code to continue.
Enter code to continue.
DC:0-5 Training Evaluation
9 Questions
Certificate of Achievement
12.00 Clock Hour(s) credits  |  Certificate available
12.00 Clock Hour(s) credits  |  Certificate available Please input correct attendance verification codes for all 3 sessions and complete the Evaluation to unlock this certificate.