Baby Talk 5 - 6: Power to the Profession: Now What? 


In 2017, Power to the Profession was established as a national collaboration to define the early childhood education profession, birth through age 8, across states and settings. Learn about the latest status and steps as this effort transitions toward implementation in our new and changing realities. Hear from Power to the Profession’s broad-based Task Force leaders as they illuminate ways to seize opportunities now to advance changes with, from, and for an effective, diverse, and fairly compensated early childhood education workforce.

Additional information can be found at

Faculty & P-5 Competency Domains

Faculty: Matthew Melmed, Chief Executive Officer, ZERO TO THREE; Rhian Evans Allvin, Chief Executive Officer, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

P-5 Competency Domains: 

  • P-5 (7) Professional and Ethical Practices
  • P-5 (6) Leadership to Meet Family Needs and Improve Services and Systems

Presenters have affirmed that they do not have proprietary interest in products, instruments, devices, services or materials discussed in this event, and have confirmed that they have not been compensated in relation to this presentation.


Pre-Record Session - Baby Talk 5 - 6: Power to the Profession: Now What?
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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. The content of this video was pre-recorded.