Baby Talk 7 & Baby Talk 8
Baby Talk 7 — Guiding Behavior—The Challenge Is Ours!
Every behavior is driven by a goal. Too often “behavior management” is narrowly defined. The challenge is ours in a relationship-based approach to consider “the whole”: the whole child, our whole self, and the whole relationship. Being curious about what is happening when a child exhibits behaviors, and about what is going on inside of us, can help us understand behavior, prevent some potential behavior conflicts in the future, and resolve others in a way that strengthens adult–child relationships. Challenge accepted!
Faculty & P-5 Competency Domains
Faculty: Katrina Macasaet, ZERO TO THREE
P-5 Competency Domains:
- P-5 (1) Early Childhood Development
- P-5 (3) Relationship-Based Practice
Baby Talk 8—Are You Kidd-Ing? Mental Heatlh Consultation in Rural and Frontier Settings
Infant and early childhood mental health consultation has developed into a major component of early childhood systems. This has included the development of national competencies, research and evaluation, and policy development. In rural, frontier, tribal, and territorial communities these all may prove more challenging. This talk will challenge our national standards.
Faculty & P-5 Competency Domains
Faculty: Neal Horen, PhD, Georgetown University
P-5 Competency Domains:
- P-5 (6) Leadership to Meet Family Needs and Improve Services and Systems
- P-5 (5) Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness
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